Radiofrequency (RF) energy-based procedures, are performed for chronic pain in a variety of musculoskeletal and neuropathic conditions. They are of two types:
In Conventional radiofrequency (CRF) a thermal lesion is created to interrupt the function of the nerve.
The application of PRF is based on the delivery of a train of sinusoidal electrical bursts (5–20 ms length) in the radiofrequency range (500 kHz) at a repetitive rate of a few hertz (2–5 Hz). The changes produced by electrical fields are selective for small unmyelinated and lightly myelinated nerve fibers, producing a motor-sparing effect. The pain relief commonly seen after PRF treatment can last up to several months. This effect is due to a neuromodulatory-type process, which alters the synaptic transmission or the excitability of C-fibers. These fibers are responsible for pain and temperature sensations and are involved in most neuropathic pain syndromes
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