Cancer pain is a mixture of nociceptive and neuropathic pains both of which are very much treatable.
Pain in cancer is caused due to several reasons.
1. It could be due to the pressure and infiltrating effects of cancer mass or Due to its spread to other organs.
2. Pain is also caused due to cancer treatment.
a. It may occur as persistent pain after surgery as post surgical neuromyopathic pain,
b. due to side effects of chemotherapy or immunotherapy or
c. radiotherapy and present as painful neuropathies and plexopathies.
Cancer pain is pain that is caused by cancer or cancer treatment. It can be acute, meaning it comes on suddenly and lasts for a short period of time, or it can be chronic, meaning it persists over a longer period of time. Cancer pain can be caused by the cancer itself, by the cancer treatment, or by other conditions that are related to cancer, such as nerve damage or bone fractures.
Cancer pain can vary in intensity and location, and it may be constant or intermittent. It can be mild, moderate, or severe, and it may be sharp or dull, aching or throbbing. Cancer pain can occur in any part of the body, depending on the location of the cancer.
Treatment for cancer pain will depend on the cause and severity of the pain. It may include medications, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery.
Dame Cicely Saunders coined the term ‘‘total pain’’ and suggested that pain can be understood as having physical, psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual components that affect a person’s pain experience. The ‘‘total pain’’ experience is individualized and is specific to each patient’s particular situation. It takes into consideration that suffering need not be confined to physical pain alone but might be relate to, and the result of, the person’s physical, psychological, social or cultural, spiritual and practical state. Thus to treat cancer pain effectively, it is important to approach it as a bio (physical), psycho (mind, emotion, spiritual), social(cultural and practical situations), condition and address it accordingly.
The more severe the pain, the heavier a toll it takes on the person’s well-being. Conversely, pain intensity can be increased or prolonged by the same emotions such as fear, depression, stress, or anxiety. However it is only rarely that pain originates from a purely psychological condition (Psychogenic pain) but most often has a physical origin either in tissue damage or nerve damage.
A cancer patient faces some specific issues like end of life situation where matters of financial, emotional and social importance have to be settled, and also make their farewells to take leave of their loved ones in a definitive manner.
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